Player Spotlight: Hallie Haymes

Posted on 17 February 2014

At only 12 years old, Hallie Haymes is one amazing kid and she’s just getting started! This volleyball athlete is from Phoenix, AZ and plays on 13R White Tanks Volleyball Club team. She started playing volleyball only 1 year ago. As an avid soccer player, Hallie wanted a new challenge and she turned to volleyball. She raves about how much she loves the team aspect of the sport and the intense volleyball matches she’s been apart of. This 5’ 2” libero is a total ROX star!

Hallie was chosen not only because of her extraordinary digs but simply because of her incredible character. She has won “Character of the Month” award, “Friendliest” award and is even a “Garbage Picker-upper” award. Did you even know that award existed, because we didn’t!

One thing that really caught our eye about this volleyball fanatic is that she is an advocate for special needs kids at her school. Hallie really shows the meaning of leading by example. After she runs her mile in P.E. she doesn’t stop like all the other kids do. She puts her volleyball endurance into action and continues to keep running to catch up to one of the special needs kids. She does this to help to encourage them to finish their required mile for P.E. class. Yup, she blew our minds away too!

Congratulations Hallie, we’re excited to feature you as the Rox Volleyball Player Spotlight for Volleyball Festival’s Festival Fiesta Classic.

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